Seven new emoji and Emoji Kitchen in YouTube Shorts
On World Emoji Day, Google provided updates on Emoji Kitchen, including an integration with YouTube Shorts. The Unicode Consortium, an international standard for digital text, has introduced seven new emoji characters: fingerprint, leafless tree, harp, splat, face with bags under eyes, shovel, and root vegetable. These new emoji will be accessible as a web font in color and monochrome formats in September. Their integration into Android phones is scheduled for March 2025, with availability in other Google products planned for early 2025.
Emoji Kitchen is accessible through Google Search. A search for "emoji kitchen" initiates the feature. The interface presents two sections: "combine" and "explore". The "combine" section enables users to merge any two emoji, while the "explore" section displays potential combinations for a selected emoji.
A new Emoji Kitchen will be incorporated into YouTube Shorts in the near future.