Paid files and plugins have officially appeared in Figma Community

Figma has introduced new selling tools and the Figma Creator Fund for Figma Community. Now the project preview will have a price tag or an inscription that there are in-app purchases.

Figma is launching a major update to its Community platform. The Community was launched in 2019 as a shared library where Figma creators could share the plugins, widgets, and various apps they created and others could use them mostly for free. If the content creator wanted to get paid for it, he had to create a project in Figma and leave a link to a third-party site inside it.

The previous system where creators of Figma plugins or widgets were not able to officially sell their work on the Figma Community platform was not well-received by neither the creators nor the users. Creators who invested significant effort and time in developing their plugins or widgets were unable to monetize their work, while users who downloaded files with the expectation of accessing the full content were left disappointed.

Image: Figma Community

The updated Figma Community page now makes it easier for creators to sell their own widgets and plugins. Right on the main page it is now indicated whether the plugin, widget or file is paid or free. Figma also now provides creators with a built-in payment feature that allows them to track earnings, transactions, and views in a new personal dashboard.

Figma promised creators support for one-click, one-time payments, the ability to create and customize free interfaces using their payment API, and give users access without having to email files or deal with license keys. In turn, customers will be more confident that they will get exactly what they need.

You will be able to preview paid files and plugins before making a purchase. For every paid transaction that occurs on the site, Figma will charge a 15% fee to cover transaction costs, helpdesk and fraud and abuse monitoring.

Video: Figma

Will there be less free content in Figma?

Many Figma users are already wary of the skew towards paid content on the platform, although the Figma team insists that the motivation behind creators is still to make things free.

To further encourage creators to make free resources, Figma is also launching the Creator Fund, a grant program that anyone can apply for. The amounts will vary depending on the scale of the application. Figma sees this as a way to encourage people to keep doing what they love.

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