Telegram adds new collectible gifts, message search filters, and other features

Telegram has introduced an update with several new features, including collectible gifts, the ability to react to service messages, filters for easier searching, and more.
Collectible gifts
Telegram users can convert their gifts into unique collectibles. These collectible items can then be sent to other users or sold through auctions on NFT platforms.
Each collectible gift is unique. The images for the collectibles are randomly selected from dozens of variations created by Telegram's artists, and each one has a unique set of characteristics, such as background color, pattern, and number.

Filters in the message search
There is a search bar at the top of the chat list in Telegram, which allow users to quickly find a specific message from any chat. Users can now also refine search results by viewing them separately for personal chats, group chats, and channels.

Reactions to service messages
When a user sends a gift, joins a group, starts a video chat, or misses a call, a service message appears in their chat. These messages can be responded to with a reaction, like any other.

Third-party verification
Now, official third-party services can add additional badges to user profiles and chats to indicate the authenticity of an account. Verification of public figures and organizations helps Telegram users distinguish between legitimate sources of information and helps prevent fraud and the spread of misinformation.

Author's emojis in folder names
Now, users with a premium subscription can use the author's emoji in folder names, which makes them look more unique and minimalist.

QR Code scanner
The camera in the Android and iOS app recognizes QR codes and automatically opens links in your preferred browser, eliminating the need to switch between different apps.