Telegram update | No-SIM Signup, Auto-Delete All Chats, and More
Telegram's new update brings a "new era of privacy", auto-delete of all chats, improvements to the "Topics" feature and much more.

Telegram's new update brings a "new era of privacy", auto-delete of all chats, improvements to the "Topics" feature and much more. Here we will briefly describe each update.
- Sign up without a SIM card: Now a Telegram account can be registered without a physical SIM card, using anonymous numbers, the property of which is realized through NFT. By paying once, the user will own the number until they sell it at auction. Such numbers are available on the Fragment platform.
- Emoji search on iOS: Telegram iOS users can enjoy Emoji search – this feature was previously only available on Android – using keywords in multiple languages to find the perfect emoji.
- Auto-Delete All Chats: You can now set a global auto-delete timer to automatically remove messages in all new chats. Existing chats will not be affected, but you can easily expand your auto-delete settings to any of them from the new menu in Settings > Privacy & Security > Auto-Delete Messages.
- More Interactive Emoji and New Custom Emoji: Telegram artists have put together 10 more custom emoji packs.
- Topics 2.0: Admins of groups with 100+ members can organize discussions into separate topics. Groups with topics open in a sleek two-column mode, so you can access your other chats as quickly as before. To quickly view all the latest messages at once, you can switch to 'View as Messages' mode.
- Detailed Storage Usage and More on Android: The Storage Usage page has been redesigned on Android in a way that our iOS users will find familiar. It now shows how much space each chat is using on your device.
- Aggressive Anti-Spam: Large groups can enable Aggressive Filtering in Manage Group > Administrators to remove more spam with automated algorithms.
- Temporary QR codes: Now you can generate a temporary QR code if you don't have a username and are hiding your phone number from everyone. Scanning the code will let people instantly add you as a contact without knowing your phone number.
Read more about each new feature on the official Telegram website.
New Telegram update | Topics in Groups, Collectible Usernames, and Voice-to-Text for Video
— UX News (@uxnewscom) November 5, 2022
Telegram has been updated to version 9.1. Now let's talk about the most interesting new features.
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