Threads is experimenting with disappearing posts

Posts with a 24-hour - timer can be useful for creators who want to share content that is not related to their brand or main topic

Threads is experimenting with disappearing posts
Image: Google

The text-based social media platform Threads is working on a new feature that lets users set a 24-hour timer for their posts. When the timer runs out, the post and all the comments will disappear.

Posts with a 24-hour - timer can be useful for creators who want to share content that is not related to their brand or main topic. These posts can also be convenient for people who want to leave comments on live events that may no longer be relevant after the event has ended.

In the photo posted by Alessandro Paluzzi, an application engineer, you can see an example of a post that will soon disappear. Clicking on the "Replies", you will see the remaining time until the post is deleted.

Image: TechCrunch

The company said that disappearing messages now available only to a limited number of users.