X is developing a "dislike" button for downvoting comments
X is going to add a "dislike" button and move less popular answers down

There is currently no official confirmation from X, but according to a report by reverse engineer Aaron Perry, there will be a "dislike" button for comments and answers on the platform.
The code links found in the iOS X app now display a button that resembles a broken heart icon, next to the heart-shaped "Like" button, along with direct links to the "vote down" feature.

The company tested this feature in 2021, before Musk acquired the company.
Initially, the company tested positive and negative voting buttons for all posts. However, recent tests have shown that X is considering allowing negative voting for answers only.
This approach aims to bring more valuable answers to the top of the lengthy threads and move less popular answers down. It could potentially discourage users from posting content that is designed to provoke reactions and generate dislike for engagement.