Android users can now block access to incognito tabs in Google Chrome

Google Chrome for Android now lets you block access to incognito tabs. Fan fact: this feature has been available in Chrome on iOS since 2021.

Android users can now block access to incognito tabs in Google Chrome

Google Chrome for Android now lets you block access to incognito tabs. An interesting fact is that this feature has been available in Chrome on iOS since 2021.

The function is triggered after closing Chrome or switching to another tab. To open a running incognito tab, you will need a PIN or fingerprint. To turn on the feature go to Chrome Settings > Privacy & Security and switch on the Lock incognito tabs when you close Chrome button.

Image: TechCrunch

This feature will allow you not to close every incognito tab every time you need to lend someone your device. From now on, incognito mode in Chrome will be like your personal private vault.

The new incognito feature will be rolled out gradually based on Chrome v109. However, the update may not affect even those Android users who have the latest version installed and running. If you are one of them, you can unlock the feature by entering "chrome://flags/#incognito-reauthentication-for-android" and enabling the flag.

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