Telegram launched paid posts and almost immediately disabled them on iOS

Telegram recently introduced a new feature with which you can publish content that can only be viewed after payment.

Telegram launched paid posts and almost immediately disabled them on iOS

Telegram recently introduced a new feature with which you can publish content that can only be viewed after payment. For this, Telegram use its own payment system, and the funds go to the content author.

However, almost immediately the function had to be disabled for iOS users. Apple has threatened to remove Telegram from the App Store, as the company will not be able to receive its 30% commission with this feature.

The fact is that according to the rules of the App Store, digital goods in applications can only be paid through the Apple payment system, which imposes a commission of 15 to 30% on all transactions.

For Android users, the function is still working. With it, they will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of the Only Fun in Telegram. Before the purchase, the user will only see the outline of the media and the amount of the payment. After the purchase, the user will be able to view the content.

The function supports videos and photos, and payment is made through Smart Glocal Payments.

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